Leaf is one of the organs of plants that grow from the stem, usually green in color andprimarily serves as a catcher energy from sunlight through photosynthesis. Leaves are the most important organ for the plant in the hold of his life because plants are obligateautotrophs organism, it must supply its own energy needs through the conversion of light energy into chemical energy.
Leaf shape is very diverse, but usually in the form of strands, can be thin or thick.Two-dimensional picture of the leaves are used as modifiers for forms of leaves. Leaf baserounded shape, with variations lobe menjari or become elliptical and elongated. Extremeforms can be tapered length.
Fig. 1. Leaves ceplukan (Physalis). Leaves can be penetrated by the light so thatphotosynthesis can take place.
         The leaves can also be a thorn to modification (eg cactus), and the result leaves losetheir function as photosynthetic organs. Leaf succulent plants or xerofit can also undergothe transition function into a water storage organ.
Fig. 2. Fresh leaves (left) and old. Older leaves have lost their chlorophyll as part of aging.
        The green color in leaves derived from the content of chlorophyll in the leaves.Chlorophyll is the pigment compounds that play a role in selecting the wavelength of lightenergy captured in photosynthesis. Actually, the leaves also have other pigments, such ascarotenoids (orange), xantofil (yellow), and anthocyanins (red, blue, or purple, depending on the degree of acidity). Old leaves lose the chlorophyll so that the color changed toyellow or red (can be seen clearly on the leaves that fall).

B. The function of leaf

- The occurrence of photosynthesis.
- As a respiratory organ.
Stomata in the leaves there are befungsi as organs of respiration (see below on LeafAnatomy).
- The occurrence of transpiration.
- Place the gutasi.
- Tool vegetative breeding.
- For example, in plants cocor duck (leaf buds).

C. Leaf anatomy
The epidermis is divided into upper epidermis and lower epidermis. The epidermis serves to protect the underlying tissue.Palisade tissue or tissue mast is a network that serves as the site of photosynthesisSpongy tissue or tissue sponges are hollow. This network serves as a place to store food reserves.Beam transport vessel which consists of xylem or phloem vessels or vessels of wood and filters. Xylem functions to transport water and salts absorbed from the soil the roots to the leaves (to be used as an ingredient of photosynthesis). While phloem function to transport of photosynthesis throughout the plant body.Stoma (plural: stomata) serves as an organ of respiration. Stoma take CO2 from the air to be used as photosynthesis. Then the stoma will be issued as a result of photosynthetic O2. Stoma is like our nose where the stoma take CO2 from the air and release O2, while the nose to take O2 and release CO2. Bottom of the stoma is located in the epidermis. In addition to the stoma, higher plants also respire through lenticels which is located on the trunk.
Leaf is a modification of the stem, is part of a plant that contains chlorophyll that most activities take place at most photosynthesis in the leaves.
Leaf anatomy can be divided into 3 sections:
1. Epidermis. The epidermis is the outermost layer of leaves, no upper epidermis and lower epidermis, to prevent evaporation that is too large, the epidermal layer is coated by a layer of cuticle. In the epidermis therestoma / mouth leaves, the stoma is useful for the venue gas exchange into and out of a plant.
2. Parenchyma / mesophyll. Leaf parenchyma cells consist of two layers, namely the palisade (fence network) and sponges (sponge tissue), both contain chloroplasts. Rail network cells are tightly sponge tissue cells loosely, so that there are still spaces between cells. Photosynthetic activity is more active on the network fence because kloroplastnya more than the sponge tissue.
3. Network of vessels. Vascular tissue of leaves is a continuation of the stem tissue, bone contained in the leaves and leaf veins.
D. Leaf litter and Environmental Issues

Waste that is produced in integrated wildlife through natural recycling processes, likedead leaves in the woods that break down into soil. Outside of wild life, this waste can be a problem, such as dead leaves in the neighborhood.

F. Utilization of Waste Leaves Process Be Art of the Leaf Crafts (Handicraft Art of the Leaf)
Art crafts from leaves (handicraft art of leaf) is the process of harnessing the art ofhandicraft plant leaves as a means of artistic ornament craft to form a beautiful and meaningful. The goal is to reduce leaf litter, utilize and process the leaves into handmadeart creations from the leaves.
Making Crafts of the Leaf (Leaf Art)
1. Created first patterns (themes) painting on newsprint.
2. Move patterns (themes) painting to canvas
3. Begin to paint, use a leaf as a painting medium, a way to glue the leaves on the canvasusing white glue.
4. Press the leaves that have been glued on canvas (painting) to strong glue, by inflicting a weight on a flat base.
5. After painting the leaves strong glue, free from ballast (press), then apply the paintevenly varnish / paint color on the painting leaves, which serves to preserve the leaves.
6. Drying the leaves in a cool painting (not exposed to direct sun). The painting will dry a few hours.
7. After drying, the painting ready to put on display