Leaf is one of the organs of plants that grow from the stem, usually green in color andprimarily serves as a catcher energy from sunlight through photosynthesis. Leaves are the most important organ for the plant in the hold of his life because plants are obligateautotrophs organism, it must supply its own energy needs through the conversion of light energy into chemical energy.
Leaf shape is very diverse, but usually in the form of strands, can be thin or thick.Two-dimensional picture of the leaves are used as modifiers for forms of leaves. Leaf baserounded shape, with variations lobe menjari or become elliptical and elongated. Extremeforms can be tapered length.
Fig. 1. Leaves ceplukan (Physalis). Leaves can be penetrated by the light so thatphotosynthesis can take place.
         The leaves can also be a thorn to modification (eg cactus), and the result leaves losetheir function as photosynthetic organs. Leaf succulent plants or xerofit can also undergothe transition function into a water storage organ.
Fig. 2. Fresh leaves (left) and old. Older leaves have lost their chlorophyll as part of aging.
        The green color in leaves derived from the content of chlorophyll in the leaves.Chlorophyll is the pigment compounds that play a role in selecting the wavelength of lightenergy captured in photosynthesis. Actually, the leaves also have other pigments, such ascarotenoids (orange), xantofil (yellow), and anthocyanins (red, blue, or purple, depending on the degree of acidity). Old leaves lose the chlorophyll so that the color changed toyellow or red (can be seen clearly on the leaves that fall).

Creative Craft Paper Used

sandal kerajinan kertas 180x150 Kreasi Kerajinan Kertas Koran BekasYogyakarta as a city known for its diverse cultural handicrafts. Raw materials used forcrafts also varied, ranging from silver, various kinds of wood, various kinds of fabrics, etc..Handicrafts produced was no less manifold, ranging from jewelry, bags, slippers, until an attractive miniatures.

Creativity of the people of Yogyakarta arguably never swallowed times fainter. Now withthe proliferation of information about global warming, creative people were vying forinnovation to take advantage of used goods to be goods that can be used again. One of the innovations that utilize or recycle used goods is a craft with newsprint feedstock.

Maybe some of us will wince when they hear there are sandals made from newsprint. But thanks to the creativity and perseverance, now there are slippers with its main rawmaterial in the form of newsprint which is certainly durable, strong, and durable. Not only are sandals that could be made from newsprint. Various kinds of bags with varied sizes and models that you can have. In addition, there is also a unique laptop bag with rawmaterials newsprint, paper towels and place that will add an exotic coffee table of your home.

Some Examples of old newspapers Craft Products